Did you know the secrets of coconut Health ?

Coconut secrets for Optima Health
If you are anything like me ,you prefer the basic facts highlighted for you in bullet point  fashion -every thing important you need to know about .the naturally health benefits of coconut tree products So, i'll get right to it.
 In Thai food coconut milk one of material to cook in Thai curry.such as Coconut in Sea food Curry.in Thai ห่อหมกมะพร้าวอ่อน
Coconut water : To reduce Sweet craving and improved insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose. The healthy fat in coconut slowdown any rise in blood sugar and help  to reduce hypoglycemic cravings.
Coconut milk /sheet :
1. Help to prevent obesity by speed up metabolism ,providing an immediate source of energy with fewer calories than other fats.
2.improves heat health 98% Fats acids that are essential good health.
3. High  in Dietary fiber rivaling other fiber source such as psyllium ,coconut supplies an impressive 61% dietary  fiber in coconut,no calories  are derived from it has no effect on blood sugar.
4.Low Glycemic Index  ,Coconut assists in relieving stress on pancreas and enzyme low GI of only 35
5.Improves Digestion  and many of symptoms and inflammatory conditions associated with digestive and bowl disorders,by supporting absorption of other nutrients including vitamins, and amino acids while also providing beneficial  dietary fiber.
6.Quick Energy Boost that provides a super nutritious source of extra energy.